Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Badass Philosophy

Now that I have my first video blog post done I would like to add it here. I feel like it means more when you hear it from me personally. Here you are.

I've been writing the Badass for about five months now. Lately, I've been contemplating the reason "why".

Why did I start this blog?
What do I hope for you all to get out of it?
What do I hope to gain?

I've only just started answering these questions but I hope I can inspire you all a little by providing the philosophy I've summed up for this blog. It is the reason why and the inspiration I've had for a long time in my journey to becoming a vegetarian.

My goal is to help you all eat well and live happy. That's the motto I've created and have started chanting to myself. But eating well is not necessarily being a vegetarian. That is simply the path I have chosen. Health in part is achieved through getting the proper nutrients and many Americans are lacking in the vegetable side of that, myself included. I'm terrible about eating enough fruit and vegetables. If left to my own devices I would consume cheese and crackers all day.

So friends, my aim is not to convert you to vegetarianism. I want simply to inspire you to eat your veggies in creative ways. My journey to this point did not consist of me waking up one day with an epiphany and ending up here. It was alot longer and more complicated. The short story is I became fed up with fast food and how disgusting it was. When I mean disgusting I'm not talking about how it tastes. I'm talking about how I feel after I eat it. That greasy, bloated, heavy feeling. When I started noticing how I felt afterwards I began to associate it's health cost with it. That was when I started trying to cook.

The journey from there led to me cooking less meat and more creative vegetable dishes. I've still yet to make peace with the salad. But I guess I'll grow a taste for it eventually.

I just want you to remember that eating well does not mean being a vegetarian. Although it does mean taking the time to contemplate what you're actually consuming and becoming inspired to cook better for yourself. I've found that the healthier stuff tastes better now because I know how to cook it just right. Eating well is only the half of it, the living happy side is just as important.

Being happy is vital for good health. Everything in this blog is inspired by personal events. When I got sick during ACL fest I sat down a week later and wrote the Sick Day Foods entry. I'm writing this because I want someone to be able to benefit from it. So, being happy for me means not holding on to little things that make me angry like someone driving badly. I need to remind myself to let those little things go so that it won't ruin my day. It can make a really big difference in your mood and in how you treat people. Keeping these things in mind I will sign out.

Eat well, live happy and be a badass.

Yours truly,

Lauren the BV

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